Understanding the Role of Technology Acceptance Influence on Internet Banking Intention : An Empirical Study in Consumer of Commercial Bank

wasutida nurittamont


The rapid spread of information and communication technology (ICT) has made internet banking the best channel to provide banking service to customers. This study examines the influence of technology acceptance and customers trust on internet banking intention of commercial bank customers.  Also, the questionnaire as a tool to collected information 400 participants are customers who have intent use banking service, used multi-stage sampling and analyzed by descriptive and  analytical statistics. The result found that technology acceptance include perceived use fullness and perceived ease of use positive influence on internet banking intention, while two determinants of technology acceptance have a lower influence on internet banking intention via customer trust. Thus, customer trust is not mediator variable. Finally, this study will be to ability to manifest technology acceptance not only in theory, but also in practice which can apply in commercial banks.

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