The Study of mediating effect of Supply Management Capabilities on the relationship between Information Capabilities Management and the Organizational Performance

Narongchai Kitrangsikul, Chanongkorn Kuntonbutr


The purpose of this study was to observe the mediating role of supply management capabilities on the relationship between the two assigned latent variables, information management capabilities and organizational performance. The focus of this study was to examine the mediating effect of supply management capabilities through the comparison of the models with and without the presence of the mediator. A conceptual framework had been developed based on research gaps of the earlier studies with the empirical data collected from 136 Thai industrial companies.

The results of the study suggested that supply management capabilities had fully mediated the relationship between information management capabilities and organizational performance, as well as positively impacted the organizational performance. The implications of the research was that supply management capabilities had a crucial role in collaborating firm’s competencies, create competitive advantage and consequently improve organizational performance, of which appropriate implementation was a key aspect. Future research on the mediating effect on firm’s other capabilities would extend the knowledge of the field supply chain management.


Keywords- Mediating Effect, Supply Management Capabilities, Information Management Capabilities, Organizational Performance  

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