An Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Developing TRI 2.0 Structured Model under Internet of Things Context

Kritiya Rangsom, Wasun Khan-Am


Abstract—This article presents the result of using confirmatory factor analysis of TRI 2.0 structured model under Internet of Things Context. The research population is people who ever use internet by mobile phone or smart devices, the number of sample were chosen by convenient method in Bangkok metropolitan area is 402 volunteer. At the start of analysis, there are sixteen indicators within four dimensions including: Optimism, Innovativeness, Discomfort, and Insecurity. The result of exploratory factor analysis shows that three components were extracted from sixteen indicators. According to reliability analysis, those three components were reduced into two components for the next analysis, one component was eliminated. The confirmatory analysis was conducted at the last part of analyzing; the structured model was constructed and tested. The result structured model was confirmed that model is properly for usage with following statistics as: 2 = 20.73, df = 17, 2/df =1.22, RMR = .02, GFI = .99, p-value = .24. In additional, the result from fitted model was employed to compute Composition Reliability (CR.) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE.) of component for find out a robustness of component. The result are: CR. of first component = .83, CR. of second component = .78; AVE. of first component = .50, and AVE. of second component = .54.
Keywords—TRI 2.0, Technology Readiness 2.0, Factor analysis, Extracting indicator

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