Employees’ Creative Idea Implementation Behavior: The Effect from Employees’ Transformational Leadership in Small and Medium Food and Beverage Companies

Chitralada Trisakhon, Suraporn Onputtha, Pornapa Peamchai


Abstract — This research is based on quantitative research method with the objectives to 1) study employees’ personal factors, transformational leadership and creative idea implementation behavior, 2) compare employees’ creative idea implementation behavior categorized by personal factors and 3) study the effect of transformational leadership on creative idea implementation behavior in Small and Medium Food and Beverage Companies. Samples used in study were 400 entrepreneurs consisting of managers, heads of department and employees by using questionnaire with purposive sampling and convenience sampling method. The descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including multiple linear regression with Enter method at the statistically significant level as of 0.05 were hired in data analysis. The results discovered most of the respondents are female (53.0%), aged between 31-40 years old (50.0%), graduated Bachelor's degree (59.5%), single (60.3%), worked for more than 5 years (59.0%) and worked as head of department/division (37.5%). In addition, employees had opinion towards transformational leadership in “extremely” level and towards creative idea implementation behavior of employees was rated in the “highly” level. The hypotheses testing revealed that employees with different personal factors in terms of gender, age, education, working period and position have different creative idea implementation behavior. Also, the transformational leadership consisting of idealistic leadership (β = 0.215), inspirational leadership (β = 0.375), wisdom leadership (β = 0.321) and individual leadership (β = 0.509) has a strongly positive effect on creative idea implementation behavior in Small and Medium Food and Beverage Companies at the statistically significant level as of 0.05.


Keywords - Transformational Leadership, Creative Idea Implementation Behavior, Employees, Small and Medium Food and Beverage Companies

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