The E-S-QUAL influencing Using Electronic Commerce

Kritiya Rangsom, Wasun Khan-Am


This article aims to study the electronic commerce assessment level using E-S-QUAL and the influence of E-S-QUAL on electronic commerce usage. The population of this research is people who use the internet. The research sample employs purposive sampling, selecting respondents with an experience in electronic commerce usage. The survey tool is a questionnaire developed from the E-S-QAUL question and the reasoned action theory. The Cronbach alpha value of this questionnaire is .819. After two-month collecting data, the number of samples is 181. The research statistics were: arithmetic means, standard deviation, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and analyzing a relationship with multiple regression analysis. The result showed that all variable arithmetic mean is pretty high, between 3.51 and 4. Each component had a statistical Cronbach alpha reliability value of more than .6. It also found that there was a correlation among all variables. When analyzing data with multiple regression analysis, factors affecting behavioral intention were attitudes and fulfillments. The regression equation can be created as: BI = .106 + .464A + .495FU.


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