The Cosmetic Surgery Recommendation: Facial Acne Localization and Recognition
Oftentimes, patients took their facial images to be recommended by the doctor about the cosmetic surgery across the official social media. The doctors could classified the skin disease type and remedy as the new normal. This paper introduced the acne localization and recognition from the patient’s image as a facial surgery recommendation. The proposed system was based on “You only look once version 3 (YOLOv3)” that was fast and high correctness in both position detection and acne name recognition. This facial acne localization and recognition covered 7 different acne’s types for the cosmetic surgety recommendation: (1) Conglobata,
(2) Nodular, (3) Comedone, (4) Pustule, (5) Papule,
(6) Blackheads and (7) Whiteheads. For the contribution, this showed a concrete practice to adopt deep learning in surgery industry. It is possible to use artificial general intelligence (AGI) to leverage the remedy recommendation process in cosmetic surgery industry by any AGI start-ups.
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