Enhancing Logistics Service Performance for Retired Tourists: A Fuzzy Topsis Approach to Prioritization and Customer Satisfaction in the Tourism Industry of Thailand

Prin Weerapong, Putthiwat Singhdong


This research investigates the enhancement of logistics service performance for retired tourists in Thailand's tourism industry through the application of a Comparative Importance Ranking Decision-Making Method with Fuzzy TOPSIS. The study focuses on evaluating the factors that influence customer satisfaction among retired tourists and prioritizing these factors for effective service improvement. The methodology employs a fuzzy TOPSIS approach to assess the performance of logistics services in catering to the unique needs and preferences of retired travelers. The findings highlight the significance of various factors such as order quality, order efficiency, order accuracy, order flexibility, and order discrepancy in shaping the satisfaction levels of retired tourists. The research underscores the importance of logistics service providers in the tourism industry concentrating on enhancing these key factors to meet the specific requirements of this demographic.

  This study contributes to the existing literature by providing valuable insights into the logistics service performance for retired tourists, a demographic often overlooked in traditional tourism studies. It also offers practical implications for logistics service providers and policymakers to improve service quality and standards, ultimately enhancing the overall tourism experience for retired tourists in Thailand and potentially elsewhere.


Keywords : Fuzzy-Topsis, Tourism Supply Service Quality, Logistics Service Performance

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