Resolution-Performance Trade-off of Plant Disease Detectors using Convolutional Neural Networks

Thanaporn Patikorn, Saowalak Leelawongsarote, Saowalak Leelawongsarote, Arunee Chaisri, Arunee Chaisri, Namooy Panya, Namooy Panya


Artificial intelligence has been utilized in various fields to drive modern innovations. For instance, in agriculture, computer vision has been employed to identify plant diseases by analyzing images of plant leaves. While state-of-the-art models can achieve high accuracy, their practical application is still limited. These models are specifically designed to detect diseases from close-up images of leaves. However, in reality, images of plants of interest, such as those captured by fertilizer spraying drones and security cameras, are often scenic and contain multiple trees, each with numerous leaves. Consequently, the extracted leaf images have significantly lower resolutions compared to the ones used in the models. In this study, we investigated the impact of this trade-off between the performance of plant disease detection models and input image resolution. The relationship between image dimensions and accuracy was investigated. The results showed that halving image width resulted in approximately 4.35% decrease in accuracy.

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